
Men – America Needs You

Mar 16, 2022
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“A man does what he must – in spite of personal consequences, in spite of obstacles and dangers and pressures – and that is the basis in all human morality”– Read More

“A man does what he must – in spite of personal consequences, in spite of obstacles and dangers and pressures – and that is the basis in all human morality”
– Winston Churchill

Between inflation, a global pandemic, a breakdown of social cohesion, and a looming geopolitical crisis, America is in a precarious state.

What America needs now more than ever is for men to reclaim their manhood.

Regrettably, over recent decades, western culture has demonized masculinity as “toxic”, and society is paying huge consequences.

What critics of masculinity don’t understand is that when men deny their masculinity, they run away from responsibility, leaving destruction and despair in their wake.

The problem is not too much masculinity, it’s that men are not masculine enough!

When men harness masculinity in a positive way, they are leaders, warriors, and heroes.

The writer G Michael Hopf famously wrote about the cyclical nature of society, “Hard times create strong men. Strong men create good times. Good times create weak men. And, weak men create hard times.”

It goes without saying where we are at in this continuum, and strong men are needed now more than ever.

Why is masculinity important?

In our modern age of comfort and convenience, it’s easy to forget that we evolved in a far more dangerous world. 

For millennium, men have been the protectors of their tribe, securing their perimeter, and if there is something that the tribe needs outside that perimeter, having the bravery to go out and get it.

While inherent male traits can be used for destructive purposes, they can also be harnessed for good.

The traits that foster greed can also create businesses that make everyone’s life better.

Traits that make men take foolish risks can also drive men to perform heroic acts of bravery.

Traits that drive men to commit aggression can also defeat tyranny.

Masculinity embodies strength, bravery, competence, and honor. When these traits are intertwined with character, empathy, kindness and compassion, the result is stronger families, communities, and nations.

The writer CS Lewis wrote in Abolition of Man, “...by his intellect, man is mere spirit, and by his appetite, mere animal.”

There exists a duality within all men. When this duality is out of balance, you are left with a man that is either weak or wicked.

A society cannot function without men acting in accordance with their nature, because bad men do wicked things, and weak men do nothing to stop them.

Strong men are not the problem, they are the antidote to the problem.

Psychological profiles of school shooters have shown that it is not those who are powerful, aggressive, and competent that are dangerous. It’s those who are weak and powerless that pose the real danger.

This is a call to action!

Men, your country needs you now more than ever.

Weak men make excuses. They do not protect, provide, or lead. They cannot be counted on to do the things we have always needed men to do for society to thrive.

Strong men take action.

Now is the time to prepare yourself mentally, physically, financially, and spiritually, so you can shoulder the burden for those who depend on you.

Ask yourself…would you rather be strong, courageous, and honorable? Or would you rather be surrounded by cowardly, weak men?

Join us in reclaiming our masculinity so we can be the leaders we were put on this earth to be.

Our families, communities, and entire nation are depending on it!

The Alpha Advantage Team